My friend Tom Latané of Pepin, WI, recently completed the above Norse style axe. Tom and his wife, Catherine (Kitty), visited Norway last year. While there, Tom inspected some locally made axes, and used the axes pictured below as models for his axe. Havard Bergland was the host of the
The locksmiths of centuries past were often highly esteemed by the metal tradesmen, and some regarded them as the epitome of metalworkers. The locks I will present today will show why the locksmiths held such a lofty position in Europe. You could say they were the master’s master of metalworkers.
This piece deserves a chapter all by itself. I had the privilege to clean this iron chest, as well as a smaller version, for the same client. I had only seen one of these chests, or “strong boxes” one other time before seeing this one. I was in Asheville, NC
Of all the ironwork I have seen in this country, this fine Baroque style gate stands to be one of the finest installations, as it is truly exceptional in many aspects. I happened upon this while researching an unrelated prospect about eight years ago, with an interior designer south of