Plant Stand, A Recent Journey In Metal

Plant Stand 2010, mild steel, sand blasted, with black Gilders Paste finish.
The creation of this plant stand is the second of a series of furniture using the same process and motifs. The impetus was to create a piece with the feeling of flowing energy, with no visible joints interrupting the fluid form.

The main bars are 1″ , 3/4″ , 5/8″, and 1/2″ round mild steel. The center twisted element was made from 1 1/2″ square, forged to octagon, and twisted. The bar was then forged down to a smaller octagonal shape, a deliberate contrast to the round bars. This element also stabilizes the movement, allowing the eye of the audience to rest.

This piece can be seen at my current solo exhibition at Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum in Milwaukee, through June 27th, 2010.
Images are by my photographer and friend, George Lottermoser of Lottermoser and Associates, Mequon, WI.

“There is no greater burden than great potential.”
…….Charles M. Schulz

2 comments to “Plant Stand, A Recent Journey In Metal”

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  1. Jamie - February 10, 2011 Reply

    Thats a great piece of forged art/furniture. Thank you for posting this!

    • bighornforge - February 13, 2011 Reply

      Thank you Jamie. This is one of my favorites.

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