Processional Cross: New Images

Here are two professionally shot images of the Processional Cross that was made for St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Forestville, WI.  Images taken by George Lottermoser, of Lottermoser and Associates, Germantown, WI.

This piece is mild steel, hand-forged, and has a Gilders Paste (TM) finish. The fleur-de-lis pieces are of French repoussé,  made from 18 gauge mild steel sheet.

Designed and executed by Dan Nauman.


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  1. Mary Hemmingsen - January 13, 2020 Reply

    Your work is amazing! I took two years of art metals at UW-Stout. Loved it! Do you ever do lectures at the campus? I’m sure you would be very welcomed! Menominee is a historic town. Check it out. Do you offer tours of your studio?
    Hope to hear from you.
    Keep up that amazing art!
    Mary Hemmingsen
    UW-Stout graduate

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