Liturgical Metalwork for St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Fayetteville, NC

Altar candlestick for St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Fayetteville, NC

I was commissioned by St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Fayetteville, NC to create several candle chandeliers, altar candlesticks, paschal candlestick, sanctuary lamp, and an ambo bookrest, all with a Celtic design.  (Candlestick images by George Lottermoser.)

Two 36″ and two 42″ altar candlesticks for St. Patrick’s Catholic Church

Below is a Sanctuary Lamp (less the cylindrical glass shade) for St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.

Sanctuary Lamp

Below is the Ambo Bookholder.

Ambo Bookrest for St. Patrick’s Catholic Church

…Dan Nauman

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