Poolside Gate

The gate in the image above was designed for a client that needed a security gate for an outdoor pool.
In Wisconsin, there are several requirements for pool gates in order to meet building codes, designed to keep young children from drowning. One of the features the gate needs to meet code is to be self-closing.
The drawing below was presented to the client, showing a single leaf to the gate. After researching various types of hinges that would return the gate to the closed position, I opted to create two smaller gate leaves to lighten the load on the hinges. This was decided after the contract was signed. Therefore, I needed to contact the client to explain the reasons why I was to make the change.
I had never made a gate with this requirement, and I did not want to test my theories on this gate, as I would loathe the day that a child drowned because of my incompetence.
I could have forged a mechanical self-closing hinge, but I had no experience in such a hinge, so I opted for a factory spring-loaded design, rated for the weight of the individual gate leaves. They work very well, and can be adjusted as to the amount of force applied to the swing of the leaf.
The image s below show the differences in the original drawing, and the finished piece.

Below shows a detail of the archway, and the very tops of the gate leaves. I used mortise and tenon joinery in the gate leaves, and also in some areas of the side panels.

Other aspects of the code are that the gate must be self latching; the handle must be no lower than 36″; and the space between any bars must be less than four inches.
These images were taken the day of installation. You can plainly see the footings I poured to anchor the gate. I dig holes well beneath the Wisconsin frostline, and use stainless steel fasteners in the concrete to affix the steel plates.
I typically use thick steel plates anchored to the concrete with fasteners, (rather than sinking the bars themselves into the concrete,) for easy removal and maintenance.
…….Dan Nauman
“Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him.” …….Booker T. Washington, Author.

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